Thursday 1 November 2012

Jacaranda Day by Miles Noller

When the jacarandas bloom, Goombungee celebrates, and on Saturday, November 10, this year’s Jacaranda Day festivities will be held.

Amongst the mauve of the jacarandas will also be the gold of the Silky Oaks because they are also in bloom, and beneath them will be a street parade (from 3pm), the walking tours of the main street, market stalls, barbecue, and a host of other festivities.

The Silky Oaks were said to have been planted by a lone railway worker in the 1950s, and a feature of the festival will be the launch of a scale model of the railway as it existed in Goombungee in the 1950s. This will be unveiled at the Historical Society at 1.00pm.
The Kingsthorpe to Goombungee railway line was officially opened in January, 1912, but closed in 1964.

The day’s activities are being organised by the Rosalie Shire Historical Society, and it will be an opportune time to visit their museum, with many activities planned.

The Rosalie Gallery will be open with a special exhibition and squeezebox magic and Oakey school students will provide festive music.

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